Our Ministries
Fellowship takes place at our services each week both in person and on Zoom. We are a network of caring friends who touch base with each other and try to help whenever there is a need. We gather at occasional coffee hours after services, participate in hikes in nearby White Memorial, and express our connection with each other and the wider world during our heartfelt joys and concerns time after sermons.
Our small but mighty group participates in annual drives such as New Beginnings, which helps outfit underprivileged students in the fall, and our Mitten Tree, decked out in winter accessories for local families. We also participate in New York Annual Conference drives such as packing health kits that go overseas, and Operation Christmas Child, involving filling shoeboxes with festive items for needy children everywhere. We recognize the importance of amplifying our small voice with actions helping those who need it.
We recognize that children are the lifeblood of our church. Our youth group organized a walk against hunger and a very well-received online trivia contest to raise funds for the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. Our young people have provided technological assistance with our Zoom broadcasts, volunteered as liturgists in services and sung in the choir. We value our young people deeply and we make sure they know it.
We love our weekly Zoom meetings to discuss a book of our choosing. Recent choices have brought lively conversations about everything from race and oppression to whether Jesus had a wife. Everyone is welcome, even if they're not up on the reading.
We love hearing scripture explained in weekly services, and some of us also love to meet for a deeper dive into the Bible at Jackie’s Restaurant in Bantam at 11:00 on Fridays. All are welcome.
In May of 2022 we had a joyous confirmation service honoring three young confirmands and our next confirmation class is already in the works. When our church children were younger we held Sunday school during services and would love to return to that again. Our confirmands spoke of the warmth they felt from our congregation and of the confidence that support gave them. We recognize that there is no higher priority than the spiritual nurturing of young people.